Alan Esteva Photography: Blog en-us (C) Alan Esteva Photography [email protected] (Alan Esteva Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:20:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:20:00 GMT Alan Esteva Photography: Blog 120 80 Blue Horizon It’s difficult to tell where the water stops and the sky begins in this blue shot! It was a wonderful beach day at Praia dos Fontes in Ceara, Brazil. We were able to ride buggies on the sand dunes before arriving at this beautiful spot, which enticed us to stay there forever.

[email protected] (Alan Esteva Photography) beach blue brazil sky travel Wed, 14 Mar 2012 18:28:02 GMT
Sitting around Street photography is exciting because it captures people in everyday life activities. This little girl is drinking her soda while sitting outside, but her eyes show that she’s lost in thought. Maybe she’s wondering why that chair is there if no one can sit in it.

Sitting around (Alan Esteva)Ninna sentada / Seated girl

[email protected] (Alan Esteva Photography) cuba girl habana travel Thu, 22 Apr 2010 21:43:59 GMT
Coconut The contrasting colors of the green coconuts on the brown sand against the blue and white sky make me long to visit Brazil again. There is nothing more delicious on a hot, sunny day than a cup of coconut water straight out of the coconut. Now, if only there had been a machete so we could have eaten the coconut meat – yum!

Coconut (Alan Esteva)

[email protected] (Alan Esteva Photography) brazil coconut sky travel Fri, 09 Apr 2010 19:03:51 GMT
Juventud Rebelde sacó un artículo hoy con mi foto Cumpliendo mi rutina de “ojear” la prensa de la isla me saltó a la vista una excelente foto de un amigo mío (Alan Esteva). El diario Juventud Rebelde sacó un artículo hoy sobre cierto sistema de caudales de ríos y lluvias en Camagüey, y para darle un poco de vista al artículo y al propio homepage del periódico buscaron, presumiblemente en flickr, alguna foto de ríos cubanos y encontraron una muy buena. En el recorte de la foto que sale en el periódico no se hace referencia a su autor, tan solo dice “Autor: Internet”; vaya contradiccion. Mucho menos se pusieron en contacto con él: me imagino cuan deshonroso será para el “diario de la juventud cubana” recurrir a un fotografo de Miami para ilustrar la naturaleza de la isla. (E ilustrar con el Cauto, que atraviesa Granma, una noticia agramontina).

Aerial view of Rio Cauto (Alan Esteva)Rio Cauto, the longest river in Cuba.

[email protected] (Alan Esteva Photography) aereo atardecer cuba rio vacaciones Fri, 02 Apr 2010 14:14:23 GMT
Sex and politics What does a picture of a naked woman have in common with a portrait of el Che Guevara? Not much, I thought at first. But sex and politics both make the world go round. This picture made sense when I thought of that fact. So, what do you see: sex or politics?

Sexo o Politica?

[email protected] (Alan Esteva Photography) che guevara cuba habana nude paint politics sex travel women Fri, 26 Feb 2010 20:45:00 GMT
Bengal Royalty Walking through the Miami Metro Zoo, I wasn’t expecting this much attention from the Bengal tiger. It seemed like this royal creature was waiting for me to snap his portrait. I barely had time to get this image before running off. I think that if I reached the tiger area 30 seconds later, I would have completely missed this shot.

[email protected] (Alan Esteva Photography) miami tiger travel united states usa zoo Fri, 19 Feb 2010 20:15:00 GMT
Colorful balcony It’s not unusual to see laundry hanging to dry on the balconies as you walk through Havana, Cuba. This balcony, however, seems particularly bright with all its colorful clothes. The colors are particularly prominent in comparison to the dullness of the colors of the building. Even the wind is enjoying the colorful sheets as it tousles them around.

Colorful balcony

[email protected] (Alan Esteva Photography) cuba habana travel Fri, 22 Jan 2010 20:15:00 GMT
Lady Liberty A universal symbol of freedom and democracy, the Statue of Liberty is a national monument photographed by many. You don’t realize how tall Lady Liberty really is until you get to the island and stand beside her. Standing at the base, I took this distinct shot that highlights her grandeur as she reaches for the sky.

[email protected] (Alan Esteva Photography) new york ny statue of liberty travel united states usa Fri, 15 Jan 2010 20:15:00 GMT
The World of Wonders Cuba has been called “La Isla del Encanto.” It may not be immediately obvious from its rundown buildings and older automobiles but when you get to know the people you’ll understand exactly what the phrase means. Cubans are an enchanting people despite the tough times they face. El mundo de las maravillas/ the world of wonders  — sums up the wonderful moments shared by the people in difficult times.

El mundo de las maravillas / The world of the wonders

[email protected] (Alan Esteva Photography) cuba habana travel Fri, 01 Jan 2010 20:45:00 GMT